Neoprene WM-1
Chloroprene Polymer
General Purpose Grade - Nonstaining, general-purpose polychloroprenes. The four grades differ only in Mooney viscosity. Neoprene W synthetic rubber and its viscosity grades do not decrease in molecular weight, either under mechanical shear or with chemical peptization. However, some reduction in viscosity may occur under high shear condition. The degree of softening is greater for the higher molecular weight polymers, Neoprene WHV and Neoprene WHV-100. Compounds of Neoprene W and its viscosity grades mix faster, develop less heat during mixing, have better mill release, and yield extrudates that are more resistant to distortion than do compounds of Neoprene GNA or Neoprene GRT.
Safety Data Sheet
Sales Spec Sheet
Sales Spec Sheet